
R&S Groups from around the globe help Tchimpounga


Perhaps you've heard of Tchimpounga, a chimpanzee rehabilitation center in the Republic of Congo in western Africa. Or maybe you've heard of the program Chimpamigos where you can adopt one of the adorable baby chimps they take care of there like this one:

Almost 150 chimpanzees live at Tchimpounga, many of them arrived as babies after being confiscated from hunters, traffickers or people that held them as pets. Here's a video from Tchimpounga TV:

But the big news is that many R&S groups have used their talent, creativity and energy to raise more than 40,000€. Here are only a few of the examples of the events and activities that have been held to raise funds for Tchimpounga....

Two R&S members sold vegetables and flowers from their own garden at a local farmers' market.

One school group held a storytelling event at the local public library where they read books about animals and played games with younger children.

Another couple of R&S members set-up a pet show at their neighborhood park where pets competed for prizes in many different categories.

So much creativity!
So much energy!
And all for a good cause.

If you want to share your ideas, experiences or activities that your R&S group is doing, HERE'S YOUR PLACE!

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..........................................-Jane Goodall

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