
Turn off the lights and turn on the planet!


Celebrate Earth Hour, the largest global movement to fight climate change, this Saturday at 8:30pm.

with your Roots&Shoots group
with friends
with the whole family
at home
on the street

Turn off the lights and turn on the planet!

A BIG WARM WELCOME to the new Roots&Shoots group: "EL CUARTO HOCICO"


We are pleased to present a new group of Roots&Shoots Spain:

This amazing group of 12 boys and girls are in 4th grade in the town of Muel in Zaragoza, Spain has decided to create a virtual animal shelter.

What a great idea!

Their magnificent BLOG is not only full of concrete and practical advice so everyone can take better care of animals, the group also shares true stories and fun fact about all kids of animals.

The group!

For example, if you want to know what to do if you find an animal HERE they explain the difference between a an animal pound and an animal shelter. And in the "Animal facts" section we learned that the elephant is the only animal with four knees that can't jump :-0 HERE is more fun trivia from the animal kingdom.

But perhaps the best part of this virtual animal shelter called the Cuarto Hocico are the true stories that you find in the section "Stories that happened to us." Do you want to learn about SEBAS THE STRAY DOG? Well HERE Raúl, ALejandro and Pilar tell the're going to love it and there is so much to read, learn and enjoy!

Welcome "EL CUARTO HOCICO" to Roots&Shoots of the Jane Goodall Institute Spain!

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Every individual is important. Each one of us can make a difference...every day.
..........................................-Jane Goodall

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