
Celebrate with Jane the International Year of Forests!


The Minister of Environment, Land and Marine Areas, Rosa Aguilar, invites you to the event "For a Sustainable Forest" to commemorate the International Year of Forests. The event will include a conference by primatologist Jane Goodall, Dame of the British Empire and will be led by Juan Ramón Lucas, director of the program "En días como hoy," of Radio Nacional de España. 

You are all invited to listen to Jane Goodall speak in the Sala Goya of the Real Fábrica de Tapices in Madrid, the 26th of May at 7:00PM. 

To attend the event you must sign up HERE !

Hope to see you soon!

It’s spring and the bees need us!


Are the flowers blooming? Do the birds wake you up in the morning? Is it time to get out the summer clothes?


This spring we have an idea for you: plant some flowers on your balcony, in your patio or in the yard…The bees need them!

A recent study funded by the United Nations has just announced that bees across the world are in danger, which means we too may also be in danger. Bees pollinate more then 70% of the plants that give us food (among other pollinators like butterflies and birds.)

In many parts of the world bees colonies are suffering from a sickness known as Colony Collapse Disorder as are threatened by insecticides as well as air pollution.

We must remember that bees give us an irreplaceable service of pollination that is worth billions of Euros!


Plant on the balcony, in the patio or in the yard a tree that flowers in spring time, some Rosemary or lavender, flowers like daisies, or herbs such as mint, basil or chives.

Buy at least one organically grown product every time you shop. You’ll be supporting farmers who avoid using insecticides and chemical substances and instead use natural growing methods that don’t harm the bees.

Go to school by bus, metro or on foot! Air pollution also affects bees. They need clean, pure air in order to detect scents from far away.

Have some more ideas on how to help the bees?

Share it here with us!
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Every individual is important. Each one of us can make a difference...every day.
..........................................-Jane Goodall

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