
Jane Goodall’s Message


Once again Spain had the honor to welcome Jane Goodall in Madrid last Thursday, May 26th to celebrate the International Year of Forests.

After a short presentation from representatives from the Ministry of Environment, and Rural and Marine Areas, the public much enjoyed watching a short clip from the documentary “Jane’s Journey.” In the short selection of the film Dr. Jane walked through Gombe, the chimpanzee reserve in Tanzania where so long ago she began her research, and sat with the chimpanzees. Everything was quiet in the forest. Then suddenly an angry Frodo (a male adult chimp) ran by quickly aggressively making noise, shaking plants and trees and almost hit Dr. Jane in the head. Jane stayed calm and whispered, “Someone is misbehaving.”

In Madrid, before more than 200 people, Dr. Goodall began her speech by reminding us that chimpanzees, with a genetic make-up only 1.5% different from us humans, are so similar to us that we should consider them the ambassadors of the Animal Kingdom. The chimps, like us, give each other hugs and kisses and can also sometimes swagger around arrogantly and throw rocks. Like us, chimpanzees can show love and compassion as well as become angry and be aggressive.

The big difference between humans and chimpanzees is the rapid development of our intellect. Dr. Goodall said that we cannot compare our intellect with that of the chimps and asked the question: “If we are the most intelligent beings on the planet, and we are, then why are we destroying it?”

This question led the way to speaking about deforestation y how the forest round Gombe has changed since Dr.Goodall began her studies more than 50 years ago. She spoke of the deforestation that is happening and how the IJG works with the people of Tanzania not only in protecting the forest and the chimps’ habitat but also to tackle the community’s problems from a holistic point of view with the Take Care Program. With this project the IJG thinks about the communities, Works with them, listens to their needs, and helps them find solutions.

At the end of the event Dr.Jane presented with much delight the Roots & Shoots Group “El Cuarto Hocico” with an award for their participation in the campaign Ecoiniciativas of the program  BioDiverCiudad. HERE is the wonderful Web page of this group of young people dedicated to protecting pets and fighting against animal abuse and neglect. Congratulations kids for a job well done!

It was an evening full of inspiration and happiness. Dr.Jane’s messages, always full of hope and with a strong belief in the power of youth, touched the hearts of everyone. We hope she comes back to visit Spain again very soon. And while we’re waiting…Let’s help the planet, people and animals!
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Every individual is important. Each one of us can make a difference...every day.
..........................................-Jane Goodall

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